30 years after: Vyhod meets Dr. Bajan 2018
30 лет спустя: Выход и Др. Баян снова вместе!

Падение ( Алкоголик)
recorded: 23.01.2019, Sansibar text
Распутин (Rasputin)
[N. Fomin & K°]
recorded: 19.07.2018, Berlin text
[ Siljah]
recorded: 07.07.2018, Sansibar text
И Советский Человек (Sovetskij Chelovek)
[Manu Chao, lyr. N. Fomin]
recorded: 29.07.2018, Berlin text
Танк сильнее Слона (Tank is Stronger then Elephant)
[S. Seljunin, voc: Светлана "Berlinskie Samovary"]
recorded: 24.09.2018, Berlin text
После нас (Posle Nas)
[N. Fomin]
recorded: 18.09.2018, Berlin text
[ Siljah]
recorded: 24.09.2018, Berlin, Sansibar text
Контрол Зэт (Ctrl-Z)
[N. Fomin]
recorded: 16.04.2018, Berlin text
Зомби (Танцуй!)
[ Siljah]
recorded: 26.07.2018, Petersburg text
Дорожная (Dorozhnaja)
[N. Fomin]
recorded: 16.10.2018, Berlin text
Прощай, Совок! (Proshaj Sovok: Farewell the Soviets!)
[N. Fomin]
recorded: 28.08.2018, Berlin text

Lena Silja Dr. Bajan Sveta

Падение, falling down (Seljunin/Fomin): Brain Drain, Berlin, 2019

Our small claim against ALCOHOL!

Сека, Seka (Ленинградское Дело): Brain Drain, Berlin, 2019

"Brain Drain" accordion power trio cuts its next rock'n'roll, an urban-folklore about "Leningrad Affair", the biggest of the late Stalin's repressions.
